Introduction: As a teacher in Kralis, managing student enrollment in various subjects and reviewing their results is essential for tracking …
Introduction: Enrolling students into the appropriate class sections is a critical task for teachers using the Student Registration Manageme…
Introduction: The Student Results Management System (SRMS) in Kralis is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the process of recor…
Introduction: A fundamental part of this system is the scoresheet, where teachers can enter new entries for new students. Here’s a step-by-s…
Introduction: In Kralis, the Student Record Management System (SRMS) has made it easier for teachers to efficiently manage student scores an…
Introduction: Generating student reports is a key responsibility for teachers, providing insights into each student’s progress, strengths, a…
Introduction: Keeping track of your academic performance is essential, and Kralis makes it easy with the Student Management System (SRMS). T…
Introduction: As a student using Kralis, checking your academic results is straightforward with the Student Results Management System availa…